We are thrilled to announce that the enhanced version of the "Čuvajmo Šume" (Protect the Forests) application is now accessible to you!
What's New?
Quick and easy reporting: Report illegal activities in forestry with ease.
Automatic alerts: Authorities are automatically informed about your report.
Track progress: Keep tabs on your report's status via our interactive map at cuvajmosume.ba.
Expanded availability: Now accessible in four additional cantons, in addition to KS and ZDK, covering six cantons in total - KS, HNK, SBK, TK, USK, and ZDK.
Get the App:
You can download the "Čuvajmo Šume" (Protect the Forests) application today on both iOS and Android devices at cuvajmosume.ba/apps.
Make a Difference:
Every anonymous report matters! Download the "Čuvajmo Šume" app and become an active guardian of our forests.
The project, "Application for Anonymous Reporting of Illegal Forestry Activities with Citizen's Assistance - Phase II," is part of a broader program called "Supporting Citizens in the Fight Against Corruption." It is implemented by CCI and financially supported by USAID.
The content of this post is the sole responsibility of the FEA organization and may not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.