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Mobilizing smallholder forest owners and building a foundation for civil society strengthening and organizing through their engagement in local forest owners association(s) in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Name of client

Civil Society in Development


Origin of funding

Civil Society in Development



2016 - 2017

General objectives of this project were: (i) to establish a partnership between fea and DFE, (ii) provide better insight into common problems and challenges in the analysis of small private forest owners in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and (iii) strengthen the capacity of small private foresters to establish Local association of private forest owners. This was a pilot project implemented in the area of the Canton Sarajevo.


The specific objectives of the Project were: analysis of the private forest sector and identification of private foresters' interests for organization, analysis of the economic potential of the private forest sector and identification of the necessary actions to exploit these potentials, raise awareness and interest for inclusion and organization of small forest owners and exchange of knowledge and experiences with key stakeholders and decision-makers, especially from the aspect of ensuring sustainable forest  management.


Project resulted in:


  1. a comprehensive Scoping Study for Commercial and Sustainable Private Forest Management in the Canton Sarajevo,

  2. workshop with the decision-maker and key stakeholders,

  3. workshops with private forest owners.

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