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Delivery of services for development of effective policies and legislation framework for sustainable utilization of wood biomass in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Origin of funding:


Name of client:


Start date:


End date:


Project value:

48,860.00 USD

Proportion carried out by FEA:


Overall objectives of the Project was to:


  1. contribute to the facilitation of optimal use of wood biomass by creating a Guide which will take into consideration forestry operational practices and methods, management operations and best available technologies,

  2. ensure involvement of a wide variety of stakeholders from the relevant sectors,

  3. provide support to the policy development for sustainable wood biomass utilization in BiH through selection and further elaboration of the most realistic recommendations from the previously conducted Study on policy gaps within the energy and forestry sectors.


The overall aim of the Project was to contribute to higher utilization and quality of wood biomass in BiH and institutionalization of sustainable forestry practice in BiH, among others through recommendations provided within the Guide, amendment recommendations and advocacy in order to achieve political support towards development of effective policies and legislation framework.

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