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Promotion of PEFC standards through the networking of non-governmental organizations and the promotion of sustainable management of private forests in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Origin of funding:


Name of client:

Center for Civil Society 

Promotion (Centar za promociju civilnog društva - CPCD)

Start date:


End date:


Project value:

49,060.00 BAM

Proportion carried out by FEA:


Summary of the project: 

​This project addresses the implementation of PEFC standards for sustainable forest management in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a focus on promoting awareness, educating key stakeholders, and advocating for increased support for PEFC standards. 

The project aims to conduct surveys among private forest owners, develop a communication strategy, create digital promotional materials, organize seminars, engage with decision-makers, and establish a web presence to enhance the understanding and adoption of PEFC standards in the country, ultimately contributing to the sustainable management of private forests. 

Project goals 

General goal: Contribution to the implementation of PEFC standards for sustainable forest management in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

Specific goals: 

  • Promoting the benefits of PEFC standards through various tools and communication channels (in accordance with the project's Communication Strategy). 

  • Informing key stakeholders, particularly the target group of private forest owners, about the possibilities and advantages of PEFC certification. 

  • Advocating for increased financial and technical support for the adoption of PEFC standards among decision-makers. 

Main activities: 

  1. Promotion of benefits of PEFC standards through various tools and communication channels (in accordance with the project's Communication Strategy).  

    1.1. Development of survey to assess the awareness of private forest owners (PFOs) regarding PEFC standards in Bosnia and Herzegovina.  

    1.2. Conduction of survey to determine the awareness of private forest owners about PEFC standards (n=200 PFOs, FBiH-100, RS-100).  

    1.3. Creation of the Communication Strategy of the project - promoting PEFC in Bosnia and Herzegovina.  

    1.4. Design of a brochure on PEFC standards and the awareness of PFOs about PEFC standards.  

    1.5. Creation of the website  

    1.6. Production of a promotional video (1-minute duration) highlighting the significance and potential application of PEFC standards in Bosnia and Herzegovina.  

    1.7. Distribution of promotional video through communication channels. 

    1.8. Media coverage of the planned activities (posts on the project participants' websites and other media outlets). 

  2. Informing key stakeholders, especially the target group of private forest owners, about the possibilities and advantages of PEFC certification.  

    2.1. Development of the set of materials for informing and educating interest groups about the significance and potential application of PEFC standards.  

    2.2. Organization of 3 workshops with interest groups to inform and educate private forest owners, wood industry companies, public forestry enterprises, public forestry administration, local communities, NGOs, media, and regional partners in the PEFC network. 

  3. Advocate for increased financial and technical support for the application of PEFC standards among decision-makers. 

    3.1. Creation of "policy brief" focused on the issues of private forests as a basis for advocacy activities to increase financial and technical support for the application of PEFC standards in Bosnia and Herzegovina.  

    3.2. Organization of 6 meetings with representatives of public forestry administration (relevant ministries for forestry, forestry administrations, etc.) to inform, gain support, and promote PEFC standards.  

    3.3. Organization of final workshop to present project results and advocate for increased financial and technical support for the application of PEFC standards.  

    3.4. Procurement of equipment (1 laptop).  

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