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Enhancing UNCCD Monitoring and Reporting Capacities in Serbia: A Milestone Workshop

January 17-18, 2023 marked a significant step forward for environmental monitoring and reporting in Serbia, as the Second Meeting of the Working Group convened for a two-day workshop at Hotel Fruške Terme, Vrdnik. This hybrid event saw the participation of 24 live attendees and 10 online participants, focusing on the UNCCD indicator framework and its implementation within the national context. 

Key Highlights of the Workshop 

  • Presentation and Discussion: The workshop opened with a presentation of the draft report for Strategic Objective 1 (SO1), followed by an engaging discussion. This set the stage for the presentation of strategic goals SO 2 to SC 5 and their indicators, fostering an in-depth dialogue among participants. 

  • Thematic Presentations: The agenda was enriched with thematic presentations on the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the outcomes of COP15, the challenges of sandstorms, and sustainable urbanization under COR 11.3.1. Furthermore, the Trends.Earth module for land use was introduced, showcasing innovative tools for environmental monitoring. 

  • Conclusions and Next Steps: The workshop concluded with actionable insights and outlined the next steps to validate the findings and inputs of the draft report, ensuring its readiness for submission to the UNCCD. 


Project Overview 

Titled "Support to strengthening national-level institutional and professional capacities towards enhanced UNCCD monitoring and reporting in the Republic of Serbia," this initiative is generously financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and implemented by the United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment). The Forestry and Environmental Action (FEA) serves as the local coordinating organization and partner, playing a crucial role in advancing Serbia's environmental monitoring and reporting framework. 

This workshop represents a critical milestone in Serbia's efforts to enhance its institutional and professional capacities for UNCCD monitoring and reporting. Through collaborative workshops, strategic discussions, and the integration of innovative monitoring tools, Serbia is making significant strides towards sustainable environmental management and reporting, aligned with global standards and commitments. 


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