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Second Regional Workshop for combating forest crime and corruption

On 14th and 15th October 2020, CNVP Foundation with the partners (fea and Green Home) has conducted the second regional workshop in the frame of the project: “Regional action for combating forest crime and corruption” funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The regional workshop was held via the ZOOM. Serbia, as a participating country in the project, was the host and more than 80 participants attended in the two days, from the four project countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Montenegro.

Institutions from the forestry sector, as well as institutions dealing with crime and corruption, the NGO sector, and other relevant actors, attended the workshop, where project results were discussed.

The first day was dedicated to the presentation of the results achieved by the project:

-Survey on corruption and illegal activities in forestry,

-National methodologies on monitoring illegal activities in forestry,

-GIS tools and Maps of forest devastations.

On the second day, a representative of the Forestry Directorate in Serbia presented their activities on combating forest illegal actions. There were also presentations from WWF Adria on the topic related to the contribution of civil society in the fight against crime and corruption in forestry. The focus of the second day was on the main project objective, development of the Action plans and establishment of the network for cooperation between forestry institutions participating in the project.

A special session was organized at the end of the second day with representatives of forestry institutions from the respective project countries, with aim of establishing the Regional network for cooperation. The initiative was supported by all attendees and a common agreement was made for the creation of the network. Focal points from the project countries were selected, and in the future, they in support of the project team will develop future steps of the network.

fea together with its partners CNVP Foundation and Green Home will continue to work towards the fulfillment of the final goal of the project, preparation of action plans for the fight against crime, and corruption in forestry, in all 4 project countries.


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