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Forests in Women’s Hands – Fem4Forest


Name of the client

Interreg Danube Transnational Programme


Origin of funding

Project co-funded by European Union (ERDF, IPA II, ENI-UA)



2020 - 2022


Logo of the project

Fem4Forest identifies and analyses the innovation needs of labour market and forest entrepreneurs and demonstrates the transferability of ideas and good practice examples (GPE) by a series of pilot actions within the Danube region (DR) territory to push forward the ability of women actors to gain a foothold in the workforce resp. innovate their forest business to boost the competitiveness of the forest based sector on the European market. The project offers new and well adapted innovative learning approach which will support a more active role of women in the forest sector.


The main objective of Fem4Forest is to strengthen the forest sector at local, regional and interregional level trough increased involvement and ability of women actors by supporting their equal presence and competences at the market in DR. 


The overall Fem4Forest concept follows an interactive innovation model where innovation occurs as a result of multi-actor interactions driven by needs of society and market, state of the art of science and technology, and organizational capabilities. The planned activities are demand-driven and target three most crucial components: social inclusion, gender equality and economic independency. Due to multi-actor approach Fem4Forest has the genuine and strong involvement of target groups that will be engaged in various activities in order to voice their needs and co-create GPE. The variety of options that already exist in different countries will be analyzed and presented through benchmarking study and through the selection of GPE. A new innovative approach for learning from each other and mentoring will be established. Fem4Forest model (demand driven action plan, awareness raising campaign, mentoring and training programme) for integration of women will be developed and tested in pilot actions. Fem4Forest will be the contribution to a higher employment rate in the DR, also through tackling young and long-term unemployment women in rural areas.

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